Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dinner Conversation

I love the way Georgia says "yeah" in such a drawn out, but nonchalant sort of way. She says it so often that we have fun messing with her agreeableness. Or maybe she's messing with us? I'm not sure. I mean, last Sunday she said that Batman had come over, which is just so hard for me to believe....

Example from Tuesday night:

"Did you have a good day today?"


"What did you do today?"


"What else did you do today?"

"Go park."

"Oooh. That sounds fun. Was it hot?"


"Hmmm...was it cold?"


"Did you go on the slides?"


"Did you swing?"


"Were there dragons?"


"Oh, wow. Did you fend them off?"


"Did you go on a walk today?"


"Cool. Did you see any birds on your walk?"


"What birds did you see?"

"Crow. Caw! Caw!"

"Did you see any....robins?"


"Did you see any...eagles?"


1 comment:

Beth said...

Funny - Sam's answer would have been "no" to every single one of those questions. "Did you have fun? No!" "Did you see eagles? No!" "Did you go to the park? No!" Maybe a Men are from Mars issue?