June is six months old. WHAT?! I would not believe it myself, except it must be true because the ticker in the sidebar is specifically telling me that she is 6 months, 1 week, and 6 days old today.
Remember when Georgia turned 6 months old, and I posted a nice little progression of photos of her in the same chair each month, showing how much she had changed? Well, if I did that for June, it would unfortunately look like this: 1 month old, 2 months old, 6 months old. Oops. Second child syndrome. Whatever, I have taken a billion photos, so who cares about that chair, right? (Trying to assuage my guilt.)
Here are 6 things about June at 6 months:
1) Changing table time is our favorite. She'll be getting fussy, ready for a nap or bedtime, and you'll think she's truly at the end of her rope, but then suddenly once she's naked, lying up there on her back and getting your full attention, she'll start babbling, laughing, chewing on her feet, enjoying zerberts on her belly, and generally making you doubt whether she's really ready to sleep. Tricky one, that June.
2) Not loving the cereals so much. Still working on getting the tongue going the right way. Liking bananas and sweet potatoes.
3) Still working on sitting up. Doesn't quite have the balance for it yet.
4) So smiley. So cuddly. Pretty easy to make her laugh.
5) The medical front: poor thing had bronchiolitis in February and got all wheezy. Her 6 month vaccinations had to be postponed for this reason. But, at her appointment they confirmed she is otherwise still strong like bull: 16 lbs. 4 oz., 27 inches. Her height means she's outgrown her "bucket" seat and has to transition to the type of car seat that stays in the car. And can't snap into a shopping cart or a stroller. And requires heavy bundling in a giant snowsuit. Ugh. Oh well, this day was bound to come sooner or later, and besides, who am I kidding -- on her current schedule, she probably averages leaving the house about once a week anyway.
6) In love with Georgia. I know I've said it before, and I'm sure it's true for all second-born children, but I'd still be remiss not to mention it in this Top 6 list. It's so obvious, and so fun to watch. (Well, except maybe for the part where she's always grabbing Georgia's hair, and then Georgia sometimes freaks out about it, but then Georgia goes and purposely stuffs her head right next to June's hand just inviting her to do it again.)

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