Monday, November 29, 2010

Hot Chocolate 15k (and resulting 3 week layoff)

Earlier this month, I ran the Hot Chocolate 15k. Then I allowed myself a week off from all exercise, which quickly turned into 3. Oops.

Anyway, this little accomplishment still deserves blog mention in my book, because it was the longest distance that I have ever run. I am slow - I'm sure I didn't even finish in the top half of my age group - and my time would make my "real" runner friends gasp in horror. But that was not the point. The point was really all those practice runs, the fear of this distance having motivated me to start running home from work. Combining commuting and exercise was the best and maybe only way to fit the training into my schedule.

The question is, what now? It will be cold and dark here at all possible workout times for several months, and I like sleeping and warm, so that's a problem. I keep toying with the idea of signing up for the Austin half marathon as the next scary distance to keep me moving, but that would involve a trip competing with other locations for my precious vacation days and dollars. Other locations with more sitting and sipping and guac'ing, and less running. So we'll see. Check back in with me about that in February.... : )

Waiting for the race to start.  Last year there were 9,000 participants, this year there were 30,000 (including the 5k'ers.)

Running by Soldier Field.  It was cold, but a beautiful day once we got moving.

Runners along the lakefront.  (All of these people are ahead of me - they are heading north in the picture, but I'm still running south toward the turn-around point.)

Finished!  There was all sorts of chocolate fondue and other treats available at the post-race party, but I skipped that to hurry home.  Thanks, Joe, for watching the girls and making stuff like this possible. 

It was all worth it for the "Will Run for Chocolate" t-shirt, even if my girls refused to pose sweetly for a picture with their mama.




Susan said...

Great job, Kate!! I need motivation to train for another long-distance race. When is Austin? We could do it together! Well, maybe not run together (i'm sure my slow is slower than yours!), but be there together :)

Susan said...

Oops never mind...I just looked it up myself and I don't think I can train in this cold weather and be ready by February :)

Stefanie Schocke said...

Found your blog through Sea Legs girl. Caught my eye because I live in Chicago and did the 15k too! :)


Danni said...

I think that's awesome! 15k is not short for anyone.

jessica said...

1. I highly support a Susan and Kate Austin half-marathon. It goes right past my apartment!
2. Congratulations! 15K is a wonderful accomplishment!
3. You look like you're 15 in these pictures. Lookin' good hot mama!
4. The white bedding is still looking fresh and new! Impressive.

Crystal said...

Very impressed!