So I'm breaking it into bits, the blogging that is. Please don't take my loss of words for my father to mean it's not first and foremost on my mind at all times. I guess that even I, who have become a chronic over-sharer in recent years, have nothing to offer the Internet on this topic. At least not right now, as I'm still trying to absorb that this is really happening.

I'm giving you a virtual hug right now.
Thanks for the update, Kate. You've said all you need to say for now, and this photo couldn't be more perfect. We all love you guys and have you in our thoughts and prayers all the time.
Thinking of you...
Sucks. I will be thinking of you.
Sorry for this and hope we'll hear and see more of you all soon!
Love you Kate. You've been on my mind a lot lately.
Hang in there Kate! You take your time to process the news and only share when you're ready to. Take it from me; it took me a year to update my blog to share the news about Peyton. But, I needed that time to get comfortable with it before I had to start helping other people process it too. Love you!
Take your time Kate - you don't want to miss this no matter how painful it is. We're thinking of you too. Hugs.
Kate, thinking of you and sending you lots of love!
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