Monday, October 22, 2012

September THREE and October THREE

Did anyone else notice that I neglected to keep up with this little monthly to-do?  Probably not, but things like that really hang over my head.  I ought to stop beating myself up for missing artificial deadlines and breaking "rules" that I invented in the first place.   

These pictures from Millenium Park are really from the very end of August, so I'm cheating.  Wait, there I go again.
DSC_0004 The bean (Cloudgate) DSC_0025-2 DSC_0021 IMG_2315

These next two are pretty accurate. 
IMG_2418 IMG_2450 IMG_1563 IMG_1567

We've had some chilly October afternoons.  I spent too much money on this hat for Waylon, because I love this hat so much I might divorce Joe and marry it if I could.  For that, it gets a solo shot.   

I am in love with this purple hat