Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We Need a Dog

We need a dog

I mean that in the "like a hole in the head" sense, but seriously, I may have to start inviting Bode, Nacho, and Leroy Brown down from upstairs. Here's an insider secret: do not have three children if you do not love wiping and sweeping. I mean, l-o-v-e, LOVE.


Danni said...

I think Rhino needs kids to play with! Rhino might be a little big to pass as a Chicago dog though.

jessica said...

I feel like my whole life is spent picking up and cleaning...and that's sans children. I can't imagine!

TomT said...

When I see posts like this, I like to asked my mom (a very young, active 82 yo) about what it was like to raise 3 boys while my dad traveled for work Monday to Friday every week. Every time it's the same response: she smiles and gets a gleam in her eyes and says sincerely and convincingly "We had a wonderful time. You kids were never any trouble at all." So, Kate, see what you have to look forward to in 40 years or so? Happy (and delusional) memories of when your children were little!! Hang in there!

Kate said...

Danni - Rhino would be fine! Leroy Brown is enormous - I think a Burmese Mountain dog maybe?

Tom - ha! Thanks for giving me hope. Maybe if I start drinking more or something I can bring on that sense of delusion sooner. I need some!

katandkarl said...

Now that this post is "old" and no one will see my comment, I can freely offer you NOT ONE but TWO ENORMOUS dogs. Free shipping. ;)