Sunday, November 16, 2008


I know, I still owe you Halloween, but today's focus was Christmas. Nana's card, to be exact.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get two 1-year olds and one 3 1/2-year old to sit still and be photographed? This should give you some idea:

Georgia was being so sensitive she pretty much burst into tears every time Sam got near her. Sam could not stop moving. Alice was just generally not in the mood for the whole thing. As Joe said, I don't think Annie Liebowitz could've gotten a good shot of all three kids at once.

Whew! At least we will have the outtakes to look back and laugh at.


Beth said...

I think you should mention that this photo has NOT been cropped for dramatic effect. That literally, trying to take a reasonable group shot, this is what we ended up with....

Susan said...

My mom gave up last year on getting the perfect pic of my nephews. She ended up sending out a collage of the outtakes - turned out pretty cute!