Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm Bored At Work

There. I said it. I am not supposed to be talking about work on this blog of all places, but whatever, you might as well know it.

On the topic of boredom...
1) Please take my highly scientific survey regarding peeing with the door open, which you can find over to the right there, in the sidebar. Something I read online recently possessed me to do this (create the poll, that is, not pee in front of Joe). I guess I've just revealed my own answer there - but don't worry, your answer to the poll will be totally anonymous. Anyone who's ever been in a relationship of any length is eligible to vote.

2) Thought I'd point out the Flickr badge that I added to the sidebar. It links to all of our public pictures on Flickr, you know, in case you're not getting enough here, or your name is "Gran" or "Nana" and you want to order some.


Maggie said...

I have to say I'm pretty adament about no peeing with the door open, but it gets harder when a certain nearly two-year-old opens up the door every time I go to the bathroom.

Beth said...

So can you tell me how Flickr is different from any other photo sharing site?

Anonymous said...

Never thought about it, but I am guessing that "door open" is less of an issue in my household than yours... oops - guess I gave away my answer, too! Tom T.

Susan said...

I rarely pee w/ the door open - even though I live alone!! One of my biggest pet peeves has been when a roommate or someone I'm staying with pees w/ the door open in a bathroom that's attached to where I'm sleeping. I hate waking up to the sound of pee. I tend to wake up queasy anyway and that just magnifies it!

repr said...

I wish I read this on Wednesday because then I would've called you at work so we could be bored together.

The Three Little Bears said...

FYI - I am giving away a free bumgenius 3.0 diaper to celebrate my birthday! Check out my blog for details!

Love... Hot Belly Mama