Thursday, November 26, 2009

"There's My Turkey Dance Move"

Here's another installment of sideways video for your viewing pleasure.

Joe and I marvel every day at how blessed we are to have two wonderful, healthy little girls. We are thankful for much in our lives, but I am especially thankful for him and our daughters. Who would I be without them?

We've started a new family ritual of singing one of the songs from Georgia's music class before every dinner: (this is to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

I'm thankful for my friends,
And my family,
I'm thankful for the food we eat,
I'm thankful to be me.

Okay, my fellow music class friends are now groaning and rolling their eyes and saying, "you WHAT?", but I like that little ditty and hope it sinks in with the kids.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Here's what I'm thankful for: (filmed a few weeks before June was born)


Emily said...

I love the videos. What is on G's pajamas in the turkey move video? They look T-giving appropriate, but I can't exactly tell . . .

Kate said...

Well, they're seasonal, but a bit outdated already -- pumpkins and black cats. : )