Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stream o' Consciousness

Slow week on the interwebs. Where are all the comments to what was clearly the cutest and most hilarious baby picture of 2010 that you've seen so far?  (June's feelings are hurt, I hope you know.)  Unless you've seen this one, too.  Why didn't I think of the baby toga? Maybe it's not too late for me to pirate that one. 
Anyway, I suppose it should not come as a shocking revelation to me that Joe and I are possibly more enamored with our own children than everyone else is, but don't worry, that won't stop me from eventually posting a ton of vacay pics whether you want to see them or not.

Quote of the day:  "It's like the angry part of her brain grew over the weekend!
(Joe, in response to the fact that June seems to have tripled her volume capacity.)   

2nd quote of the day:  "Well, you need to re-fill it, because Daddy says it makes me strong like bull."
(Georgia, after spilling her milk.)


Me? A Mom? said...

That picture of June was hilarious. I'm just a lazy Google Reader reader so I rarely click over to the original post to comment. But it did make me smile. :)

Kate said...

Really, can you give me 1 valid reason why you're not devoting more time to commenting, Cara? I can't imagine what you're filling your time with. hardy. har. har.

Sarah said...

If you're talking about the one of her on the bed, then yes, I agree :)

Emily said...

I think June is "strong like bull" event without a sippy-cup refilled with milk.

Maggie said...

okay, i laughed outloud at the strong like bull quote. she is hilarious...