I think these shirts are meant to be bought in the same size, for twins, but I originally purchased them for purposes of capturing the cuteness of
Georgia and Harry in the nannyshare. (Any of you mamas of two are welcome to borrow if you want - they're stretchy and fit a range of sizes.)

Monkey see, monkey do.

These are a few of my favorite things.
And a rare picture of Mom! AWESOME! :-) - Tom T.
The cuteness in this post is seriously almost more than I can handle.
Oh.. I totally want to borrow the shirts. Do you think Abe can fit into the little one?
OMG, i just looked at the link to the Harry and georgia photo shoot in these shirts...they were so little! I barely remember this time now!
I want to come over and put harry and max in these shirts, then june and max, and have you take photos!
(suppose harry and georgia would no longer fit!)
I love the picture of Joe with the girls in the stroller in front of your neighbor's mural. At first, I thought you were at some kind of nature preserve; then I noticed the sidewalk. If that guy ever moves, I won't be able to find your condo because it's totally my landmark for your street.
These kids are meant to be photographed! Seriously adorable!
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