Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog Share: 2 New Websites

My friend Maggie put me on to one of my new favorite websites, Dinner: A Love Story.  She wrote me saying this site was totally up my alley, and she was so right.  It's all about valuing the family dinner experience and eating real food, but at the same time keeping things realistic. 

{I want to try making these simple latkes w/added veggies.}
{Photo from: DALS}

To give you a taste, here are a couple of snippets froms the DALS "About" tab:
"DALS is a website devoted (mostly) to helping parents figure out how to get family dinner on the table. You can assume I know how busy you are and how many other things are ahead of “thaw chicken for dinner” on today’s to-do list. I will never fault you for firing up a frozen pizza when you can’t bear to turn on the stove. I will never judge you for not coughing up the extra bucks for the organic broccoli. And I will never promise you that family dinner is something that can be figured out in five easy steps!"
"...if you’re here reading this, it probably means that somewhere in the back of your mind you feel a little bad about your dinner situation. I’m not saying you should feel bad about it. (On DALS, you will never read those studies saying that kids who don’t eat family dinner will, you know, be gobbling handfuls of ecstasy by sixth grade.) What I’m saying is that there are things you can do — really easy things — that will make you feel a lot less bad about yourself when it comes to feeding your kids."
See what I mean?  100% helpful, 0% judgmental.  Love it.  Thanks, Maggie!
[EDITED TO ADD:  I don't feel guilty about our dinner situation overall - that's not why I read DALS.  I just appreciate the ideas it offers, cuz it's not like we're knocking it out of the park here every night.]
Now, to repay you, I have a new website for you:  Naps Happen.
{Photo from: Naps Happen}
It's 0% helpful, but 100% hilarious.  It's chock full of pictures of this woman's little kids collapsing into naps in the strangest places and seemingly uncomfortable positions.  She swears they're not narcoleptic, but since my kids (call them crazy) only like to sleep in cribs in the dark, the whole thing is fascinating to me.  Maggie, you simply MUST submit photos of Anna's infamous Wisconsin half-standing slumber to this woman's "Be a Guest Napper!" contest.


Maggie said...


Susan said...

I like both these sites and I don't even have kids to feed or kids who nap! Kate...reading that description of the dinner site, I really hope you don't feel guilty about your current dinner situation. From what I can tell, you do an amazing job getting good food on the table most nights. I find it super impressive!

Ann Price said...

FYI, their cookbook is the best! Not too literal, but great for dinner inspiration.

Sarah said...

Love it! I'm very jealous of the nappy kids. There are kids in Mia's daycare like that. They're basically sleeping while you walk them through their tasks - diaper changes, handwashing, putting the toys away... Mia only gets more hyper! At least she naps in her crib!