Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bloggity Break

I've decided to take December off from blogging.  For the next few days you'll continue to see pre-written posts pop up here, but after that it'll be radio silence until 2011.

I'll be working, cleaning, decorating, shopping, volunteering, baking, churchingpartying, wrapping and the rest of it, and you'll be rocking back and forth in a little ball in the corner, trying to remember how it was that you used to get by each day of your life not knowing exactly what was going on in mine.  Hardy har har.

As a parting gift, here's a video from Advent Conspiracy.  I found it inspirational when I first saw it last year and think you will, too, even if you don't celebrate Christmas.  Keep in mind that they're only asking people to consider buying ONE LESS GIFT this Christmas.  Just one. 

To me it's not really about giving money but about aiming to simplify, change your focus when necessary, and share experiences with the ones you love.  A blogging break fits right into that for me this month.  Here are the organizations that I've decided to divert my pocket change to this holiday season.  There are so many worthy causes it's hard to pick just one.  What are your faves? 

1) (because I've never gone thirsty in my life, and people are dying for lack of clean water)

2)  (if you want to change the world, change how you eat)

3) The Woodlawn Children's Promise Community (a local thing)


4) Cheetah Conservation Fund (because cheetahs need help, too).

Well, I guess that's it.  Enjoy your figgy pudding, and Happy New Year everybody!

P.S.  I'm also fasting from the Book of the Face, as Kat calls it.
P.P.S.  If you've moved, you better send me your mailing address if you want to receive a faboo card.


jessica said...

Can't wait to get a faboo card...I have a new apartment number btw.

I like this post. A blogging free/book of face free holiday season sounds good. But I guess this means you'll have to call me and actually tell me what's going on.

So there are lots of organizations I'd like to give time and money to, but here are two I'm supporting this year:

I just signed up again to give to my local YMCA. All money raised goes directly back to families for memberships, swim lessons, sports, childcare, afterschool, etc.

I'm also participating in Toys for Tots this year.

Maggie said...

How neat! and I love the advent conspiracy also. you just might see a plug pop up on my blog too :-)