Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Day of Co-Op

June started pre-preschool this month.  (I kinda refuse to call it preschool since she's only two and still my bay-beeeee!  I prefer to think of it more like a glorified playgroup or "mother's morning out" thing.) 

Anyway, this is one of those situations where the fact that I have a lot less to say about June's first day of school drop-off activity in comparison to her sister is a really good thing, right?  My biggest worry is not that she won't grow to love it eventually, but that the teachers will steal her and not give her back.

I mean, seriously.  How could you not want to scoop her up?  Her lunch bag is the size of her entire torso.






2 year old room - first day of co-op


Anonymous said...

OMG! Junebug is so adorable I could just die!!!! Thanks for posting. Tom T.

Mindy said...

June is only 11 months older than Juliet. It can just not be possible that next September Juliet could be going anywhere without us. This post gives me heart palpitations. As you say, my baaayyyy-beeee!