Tuesday, October 22, 2013

At least we got some cute pumpkin pictures

We all wanted pumpkins to carve, but we didn't have it in us for a big trip to a pumpkin patch this weekend.  We did, however, attempt to upgrade a few steps from the ugly city lot we used to (happily) patronize to: "local farm stand".  Except it was closed when we got there.  So, no pumpkins yet, but here are the kids in pumpkin hats sitting on the back of the Civic in our driveway after returning from what turned out to be nothing more than an anticlimactic Sunday cruise.


My friend Ann's new website is inspiring me to get back to my DSLR a little more often instead of always relying on the iPhone and its illustrious Instagram filters.  (By the way, you should totally hire her to be your photographer if you live around New York City.) 

These hand knit hats from family friends sure were cute, but the kids are starting to outgrow them this year.  Waylon's looks a little like a yarmulke.  (Emily, I know you will see this only as further evidence of Joe passing on his Jewish heritage.)  (Everyone else, just ignore that.  Inside joke.) : )


To be fair, we weren't up for trekking to a pumpkin patch this weekend because I already took the kids to one earlier this month.  It was a field trip for June's former preschool, which we decided to crash just for fun.  Alas, we did not come home with carve-able pumpkins, because I have my limits and could not handle all three chickens plus a wagon full of pumpkins on my own.  But I do have photographic evidence of us meeting an adorable baby goat that day, thanks to the talented Teresa Reid.  Seriously, I am lucky to have so many professional photographer friends! 

cpc farm shot from teresa          

Now, that's where this post should stop, because that was one stinking cute photo.  But I am just going to go on and ruin it by continuing to yammer needlessly.

Remember how I used to try to always post a photo of our three kids on the third (or thereabouts) every month?  It's still a fun project and good goal to maybe return to, but it has also made me notice how our lives have evolved (and constantly continue to change).  When Waylon was a wee baby, it used to be tricky to find a moment in the day when I could get all three kids in the same frame.  Sometimes it required posing them.  Now there's little need to intentionally capture all three of them at once on any given day, because it happens by accident all the time.  We're all pretty clumped up.

To wit, here is Georgia trying to rest on the couch on an afternoon when she wasn't feeling well.  I guess Waylon and June decided what she really needed was a snuggle.

Clumped up

I hope you all have a snuggly afternoon, friends.  It freaking snowed here this morning.  Just flurries, but still.  Here's to hoping for a Halloween heat wave next week. 


TomT said...

Love all your little pumpkins! Is Waylon big enough to wear the hand-knit 'little hippie' blue hoodie?

Ann Price said...

First, let me say your pumpkin hat pics are better than any pumpkin patch. The fact that you got all three to wear them (and sit still) simultaneously is great. And I LOVE that you are breaking out your DSLR again...your photos have always inspired ME! So please keep at it...even when that camera bag weighs too much. I love the results!